Vision: Excellence in the field of accounting education locally and regionally. message: Preparing a qualified cadre to work in various accounting positions, by providing an educational environment that enables students to acquire the necessary knowledge and skills to practice the accounting profession professionally in the public and private sectors.
Objectives: - Providing the student with knowledge, skills and principles related to accounting sciences, enabling him to apply them in organizations, companies, and the public and private sectors. - Providing the student with the necessary academic and technical foundations for conducting accounting research, recording and analyzing economic events, and communicating information to decision-makers. - Supplying the labor market with qualified accounting competencies that meet its needs and contribute to finding appropriate solutions to financial and economic problems. - Developing students' abilities to use and employ information technology applications in the accounting field. - Contribute to community service by providing training courses, seminars and scientific consultations in the accounting field for workers in the public and private sectors.