Networks and Communication Engineering
Vision: Leadership locally and excellence regionally in the field of communications engineering and computer networks. Message: Qualifying a qualified engineering cadre in the field of communications engineering and computer network technology capable of employing its knowledge and skills to serve the community and compete in the local and regional labor market by providing educational and training services that keep pace with scientific and technological developments.
Objectives: - Preparing specialized engineers with high scientific competence in the field of communications and networks engineering. - Attracting qualified teaching staff and qualified engineers in the field of communications and networks engineering and developing their professional capabilities. - Participation in local and international scientific seminars and conferences related to communications and networks engineering to enhance the scientific competence of the program cadres. - Carrying out applied research and projects and providing training and advisory services to all governmental and private sectors of society, while maintaining professional and ethical behavior.
- Establishing fruitful scientific relations in the field of communications and network engineering with local and foreign universities.
- Preparing and conducting engineering experiments and analyzing specific requirements in order to provide optimal solutions, and knowing the impact of the telecommunications and network engineering specialty on the economic and societal levels.